A Glimpse of Back-to-Back Celebration: LBI’s President’s Birthday and Office Warming
Last Friday, April 24, 2015, LogicBase Interactive, LLC. celebrated two important events held at the new office in Cagayan de Oro. To name the said chief occasions, those were Sir Bryan’s 28th Birthday and Workplace Blessing.
Showered with prosperity and countless blessings, LBI has grown to 13 awesome people and has managed to moved to a newly furnished and spacious office after almost a year of operation.
New space, new neighborhood, everything around us seems to be new that signifies a promise of more success! As a fruit of labor from the team’s hard work, dedication, commitment, and full force teamwork, the office improvement serves to be the evidence of our achievements and a virtuous emblem that are continually booming.
First Surprise
To share a foretaste of what exactly happened during the special day, the event started with surprising Sir Bryan as he entered the LogicBase portals. Headed by Ms. Yani and Ms. MJ, we set the lights off, changed our desktops with an animated image of him, prepared a huge birthday banner and a cute personalized cake. When Sir Bryan showed up, the team chanted a Happy Birthday song to him and the party poppers’ blast astonished everybody. Although he was dumbfounded due to the sweet surprise, it was really visible on his eyes and big smile that he was totally delighted and thanked us several times.
Funny how the first surprise was done as two of our Web Dev. team members, Cliff and Jovannie appeared like avid fans of Sir Bryan so as Patch, when she took pictures of them, they were acting like a paparazzi.
Because of them, the surprise was certainly filled with joyful and funny moments. We undeniably laughed our hearts out!
Blessing the Office
After the said amazement, the event was followed by a workplace blessing leaded by a priest. As we prayed for guidance, peace, unity and bountiful blessings for our company, we are truly enlightened and felt that we will be steered to the brighter side of the business.
Before the priest ended his prayers, he also blessed Sir Bryan and the foods being prepared. After which, the birthday party went on and the feast was a total blast! The foods were so delicious and satisfying. The visitors and all of us enjoyed the night indeed!
Second Surprise
The party didn’t just stopped there. When everyone was already full, Ms. MJ asked Sir Bryan to settle himself on special seat. As Sir Coy pulled up his camera, the program started. A short heart-warming message from Ms. Yani discussing about the office warming and Sir Bry’s birthday was first in line. It was then followed by Guilda who shared an enlivening introduction for the surprise video presentation made by Jeff and yours truly. After the celebrator had watched the birthday video clip, April comes in and expressed a brief meaningful message about the precious gift of the team. As part of the program, the LogicBase Cool Guys from Web Dev. and Marketing Dept. (Cliff, Jovannie, Patch and Paolo) presented their song titled “One King” with a tune of One Thing by One Direction. As one of the marketing prides, Jeff also sang “Never Alone” like serenading Sir Bryan. After the boys imparted their amazing and one of a kind talents, Sir Bryan took a step to give his speech and expressed his deep gratitude to his guests and to us, his supportive team. Before the program calls it a day, Ms. MJ also say her part as well as ironically speaking, Sir Coy’s very long speech. (Hehehe)
The party was undeniably non-stop! The videoke session of the celebration added color and jubilance to the crowd due to LBI team’s hidden talent in singing that it seems we don’t have plans to pass the microphone to others. What also adds enthusiasm to the night was because of some guests who were participative particularly the colleague of Sir Bry’s brother singing like having a concert and owned the stage.
All of us truly have a great time and the stress that lingers around our body beforehand was vanished when we all enjoyed the night. With all the ninja moves, secret chats on Skype, chuckles, undertone conversations, eyes rolling left and right, intense apprehension and 6 senses activation we’ve experienced for the preparation, the surprise that we’ve secretly planned was finally Ariel happened to me. Oops! Haha! Pardon me; I’m just carried away by the viral detergent soap jingle. What I actually mean is, the party was finally ended successfully that Sir Bryan was very happy and grateful to everybody.
A great story and insight into Sir Bryan’s surprise birthday and blessing of the business. I wish I could have seen the videoke and ninja moves!
Happy Birthday Sir Bryan and good luck with the new business!