How To Drastically Increase Traffic in Your Website
Increasing website traffic is one way to have your chances for a conversion a lot higher too. How can you sustain this traffic for a long period of time? This will require time, effort, and assets. Presented below are the effective methods in achieving this goal:
Add Social Buttons
By adding social media buttons, the traffic in your website will dramatically increase. This fact can be seen in a data from Search Engine Land. Large websites are incorporating this feature too to increase the traffic in their websites. Even small business in the web and start-ups, a social media button is one of the musts in their launching. Some other old businesses are also slowly integrating this element in their websites, to keep them up in this growing trend over the years.
Regularly Publish Contents
First is establishing a blog in your site. You can’t just afford to have the contents sit in anywhere. A blog is a very good way to have your contents placed in an organized way.
Remember that your content must be related to your Niche. It must be original as online tools are present. These tools detect copied and slightly edited articles from other websites.
Now, don’t compromise the structure and the quality of the content whenever you are to produce original contents. The quality must have high standards; informative, authoritative and has a trusted voice. A lame and poorly written content will weaken the reputation of your site and which can lead to a reduced number of visitors and subscribers. It is always true to have the quality first over the quantity.
Rearrange Website to Improve Efficiency for Search Engines
Follow Google Webmasters Guidelines, never forget to read the guidelines or you will be the one of the banned users in Google’s search engine. Add precise Titles and descriptions for your website. Also, don’t forget the tags. These tags must evidently express the content.
Embed Rich Snippets
Rich snippets include user reviews, information about the author, ratings, photos, music, videos, and even events and milestones.
Create a Newsletter or Mailing List
A mailing list is a useful tool to keep the subscribed visitors to be updated in any added post or post updates you are to initiate in the future. This will keep them engaged and in the know with your latest improvements and offers.
Here are some newsletters tools than can be used to have this campaign properly set up are: Mailchimp, AWeber, Exact-Target, and GetResponse.
These newsletters tools can be personalized and designed to have its image more attractive and get the attention of even the idle subscribed users.
Gain Strong Links from External Sites
As what is mentioned above, a detailed and well written content are effective ways to keep readers and subscribers from coming back. Added with this, your contents must be informative to. A user will likely to share a content that gives them information compared to a mainstream redundant topic over the internet. So keep your contents unique. The best links usually comes from the outside. Those who love and enjoy the information from your content will have your website shared across the social media world.
So these are the ways to keep the visitors hooked in your site. Now when they are hooked, they’ll keep coming and when they’re keep coming, the traffic increases. I bet that’s the goal we want to achieve right from the start: to keep the website traffic coming and sustain it. Now you have it.
Contributed by: Jan Rhais Amantiad