LogicBase Celebrates President’s Birthday and Inauguration of ManCom at the New Office
Nothing’s more fun than having multiple celebrations within a single day!
Last April 24, 2021, LogicBase celebrated another set of milestones for the company. Let us take you to a quick reminiscing of what happened.
Around 7:00 in the morning, the new office at Jardiniano Building started to welcome LBI staff for the preparations of its launch. Various decorations were set up at the conference room, including some gorgeous flowers by the lobby and main entrance and a nice centerpiece for the altar. Beloved staff and guests then arrived shortly after.
By 11:00 am, the invited priest arrived and initiated the office blessing. Everyone then held lit candles while the priest walked from room to room, sprinkling holy water and reciting passages from the holy gospel.
After the office blessing, all were gathered at the conference room to wish the company’s President, Mr. Bryan Joseph King, a happy birthday. Everyone enjoyed the delicious food with some sent by local businesses in Cagayan de Oro.
It was 1:00 in the afternoon when the program proper commenced with Joan and Jamba as the hosts. Sir Bryan was then called for his Opening Remarks. Maam Yani then took the floor to introduce the officers of the Management Committee (ManCom) and initiated an oath-taking for the newly elected officers.
Chairperson: Jamba
Vice Chairperson: Joan
Secretary: Janine
Treasurer: Jude
Assistant Treasurer: Junneil
Staffing Liaison Officer/PIO (Public Information Officer): John
Safety Officer: Mike
Publicity Officer: Renbert
Equipment and Resources Officer / MIS: Luis
Health and Fitness Officer: Jeff
A mini game was then organized by Jeff and Janine. Called the LBI Trivia Quiz Show, teams were determined by pairs and were tasked to answer 3 rounds of questions. Level I is composed of 20 questions under General Knowledge, Level II is all about Cagayan de Oro, and Level III is work-related. It was a tight competition, with one team leading in the first round, and then getting surpassed by the other teams after the last question. 3 winning teams were recognized and given cash prizes.
The program concluded with a Closing Remarks from the ManCom’s Chairperson, Jamba.
We may have reached these milestones which will definitely leave a memorable mark in the history of LogicBase, but we know there’s a lot more achievements waiting for us.